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Number four in a series of world culture, If You Were Me and Lived in... Turkey, explores cultural differences through a child's understanding. A respectful and lively treatment of the subtle differences of the people from different parts of the globe we share. Join Carole P.Roman as she travels to learn out the people, culture, and customs of the people Turkey.
Our Review
If You Were Me and Lived In... Turkey: A Child's Introduction to Culture Around the World by Carole P. Roman My rating: 5 of 5 stars Lily Says: This book was wonderful and all about the amazing place called Turkey! My Favorite picture was of the Haga Sophia. I thought the picture was very beautiful and the history of the place was beautiful as well. I would love to see the place in person one day. My favorite part was when they talked about what to call your mom and dad. I have noticed that dads are called Baba in a lot of places from reading these books. I learned that the money they use is called a lira and that instead of soccer they call it football like in England. I also learned that they have a childrens day on April 23rd where kids would get to sit on a pretend government and get to run the country for the day, you get to be on T.V. and people come from all over just to spend time to get to know the culture. I think that is pretty cool! I would recommend this book to everyone who loves to read! I know I loved reading it myself! Mom Says: This book was wonderful and I had a great time reading it! My daughter got right into all the great stuff she learned about Turkey and all the colorful pictures really helped to really bring home what we were reading. The Childrens Day in April sounded really cool and something everyone would love to take part in young and old! Carole really knows what captivates her audience and what is great to educate the mind. great job Carole! another smashing book!
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Join Carole P. Roman when she visits the stunning and exciting land of Egypt in the newest book of her informative series. Learn why this ancient land often called "the cradle of civilization." Travel down the Nile to discover Egypt's fascinating history. See the land through the eyes of a youngster like you and understand what life is like in this exotic place. Don't forget to look at the other books in the series so that you can be an armchair world traveler
Our Review
If You Were Me And Lived In ... Egypt by Carole P. Roman My rating: 5 of 5 stars Lily Says: This book was incredible and all about the amazing things to see and do in Egypt! My Favorite picture was of the capital city of Cairo. I thought it was a magnificent city! the picture was very majestic and pretty. I would love to see the Nile river one day. My favorite part was learning about the pyramids and the Spinx! The history of them was amazing! I loved learning all the different parts that made up the Spinx and the great history of them both. I learned that Senet is a board game in ancient times that is similar to our checkers, it was played in ancient times with sticks, King Tut even played when he was a boy. I learned that Feluccca's are sailboats and that they still build them in the old way and sail them telling stories of the old ways. I would recommend this book to one and all! I enjoyed it very much!
Mom Says: This book was incredible and I had a blast reading it with my girl! Egypt holds a special place in my heart and I really enjoyed reading about it with my daughter. As always Carole makes the story fun, entertaining and educational. These books are a true favorite of mine and Egypt and fantasy place I have always wanted to go. Thanks so much Carole for bringing those into my home!
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It’s never too early to start teaching children about the world around them. In If You Were Me and Lived in…Greece , early learners get a taste of what their life would be like if they lived in Greece while being introduced to the birthplace of democracy. This book is the latest installment of the educational series about the cultures of the world that speaks to young children about the topics that interest them, such as the foods people eat, the names of boys and girls, and the activities that children their age living in a foreign land are likely to engage in. This exciting visit to Greece also introduces the important concept of democracy to children and highlights some of the other cultural contributions that Greece has made to Western civilization. Basic information is offered in a playful way that won’t overwhelm children.
Our Review
If You Were Me and Lived in...Greece: A Child's Introduction to Culture Around the World by Carole P. Roman My rating: 5 of 5 stars Lily Says: This book was incredible and all about the amazing place of Greece! My favorite part was learning about all the awesome food to eat! it made me hungry! I wanted to be there to eat all the food! My Favorite picture was of the Parthenon. I liked that it was built for the goddess Athena, but it is sad that it got blown up. it is still pretty though and I thought the picture was very nice. I learned about their new years tradition of putting a coin in the cake and whoever finds it in their piece will have good fortune in the upcoming year. I also learned that Athens is the largest city in Greece and 3,4oo years old! that is really old! I would recommend this book to one and all! I enjoyed it a lot!
Mom Says: Carole does an amazing job with this book and I really enjoyed reading it with my daughter. I am so grateful for these amazing books and the incredible cultures we get to experience every time we open one. I loved learning about how they would stop wars just to play the Olympic games, or what names they would choose in that country. Carole is brilliant and I just know the next will be just as great! don't miss out on these books for your kids!
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Join Carole P. Roman on a trip to the Northern Hemisphere and learn about Norway- The Land Of the Midnight Sun. In this exciting series, children are able to read about the many things we share in this great, big world of ours. Award winning, If You Were Me and Lived in...Norway describes many things that make that country unique and fun. Readers will be able to learn about the capital, common names, a beloved holiday, as well as favorite food and other fun facts. This book is an excellent introduction for those beginners who want to learn about the many thrilling places and great people who share our planet.
Our Review
If You Were Me and Lived in ...Norway: A Child's Introduction to Cultures Around the World by Carole P. Roman My rating: 5 of 5 stars Lily Says: This book was amazing! and all about the amazing things to do and see in Norway! My favorite picture was the one with the dog sled and the huskies in it. It was my favorite because huskies are a favorite and I really love dog sleds. My favorite part of the book was the Snow Hotel! what an amazing place! A Hotel made of snow and Ice would be a place I would want to visit, with a great view of the Northern Lights. I loved picture too with the ice fishing and the dog sled team in the background. I Learned people have used ski's as far back as 4000 years ago. I also learned that they used to have money with a hole in the center in order to put it on a sting so they didn't loose it. I really liked this book and I highly recommend it.
Mom Says: I love each and every moment reading these books with my daughter, they are so full of education and fun! Carole is a brilliant author and fills each book to the brim with colorful pages and interesting facts. I love learning about the history and the cultures of the different places! Norway is fascinating, my favorite being the snow and ice hotel! I loved that you could spend time there seeing the lights and sculptures, ice fishing and have to wear your coat indoors! I cant wait to read more!
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Welcome to my book Blog The place where I read and review Childrens books with my daughter Lilyanna, run contest and givaways and host blog tours. I hope you enjoy your stay and if you would like me to read your book or host something for you please feel free to email me at any time @ mand2_1@hotmail.com
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