Our Review

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Lily Says:
This book was wonderful and all about the amazing place called Turkey!
My Favorite picture was of the Haga Sophia. I thought the picture was very beautiful and the history of the place was beautiful as well. I would love to see the place in person one day.
My favorite part was when they talked about what to call your mom and dad. I have noticed that dads are called Baba in a lot of places from reading these books.
I learned that the money they use is called a lira and that instead of soccer they call it football like in England. I also learned that they have a childrens day on April 23rd where kids would get to sit on a pretend government and get to run the country for the day, you get to be on T.V. and people come from all over just to spend time to get to know the culture. I think that is pretty cool!
I would recommend this book to everyone who loves to read! I know I loved reading it myself!
Mom Says:
This book was wonderful and I had a great time reading it! My daughter got right into all the great stuff she learned about Turkey and all the colorful pictures really helped to really bring home what we were reading. The Childrens Day in April sounded really cool and something everyone would love to take part in young and old! Carole really knows what captivates her audience and what is great to educate the mind. great job Carole! another smashing book!
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