My rating: 5 of 5 Moons

Lily says:
This book is about Spartan and his friends going on a adventure i their imaginations in the big round thing called egg.
the pictures were awesome and they were one of the best parts of the book.i like the pictures with just juma and yara because I like their regalia's and I really like the logo for the book.
My favourite part was when they met the two native children juma and yara. they were fun and I learned a lot from them about their people.
It made me sad when they where cutting down the trees but it made me laugh when they kicked the loggers butts.
I learned that you have to plant another tree every time you cut down a tree.we learned many many things about the Amazons way of life.
I think that lots of kids would like it. it's a great story with a good message and Nabila Khashoggi is a awesome writer!
Mom says:
Spartan and the Green Egg was a wonderful book full of adventure and beautiful illustrations! I felt myself completely drawn into the story as Spartan and his friends set of into the unknown.
Spartan, his three friends, and his dog, Grimm, travel the Universe. The mission of this talented team is to gain and share knowledge of their amazing discoveries.
Their expeditions are made even more exciting through the use of new technology and cool gadgets, provided by their new friend, who goes by the name of Egg.
In This book A Trip to the Rainforest, the team’s introduction to the rainforest and all its wonders is made even more fun by the company of two Native Amazonian Indians who introduce them to their way of life.
This is an amazing book for kids! my daughter was so excited when she laid eyes on the book and the Illustrations she couldn't wait to begin reading it and when she did you could see her imagination light in her eyes and could see she was drawn into the story just as I was!
I loved that the story was Native in origin as well. It had amazing messages and being Native ourselves it was really special to us! We loved learning about the Amazonians and their traditions and we talked about how similar they were and how different from our own people.
The ending was superb as well and we laughed at the loggers as they were so scared and wished it could happen in real life! as we have been to protests to stop them from cutting our forests down but to no avail we need EGG!
You have written such a wonderful and inspiring book Nabila! and we can not wait to read your next one!
if you all haven't read this DO SO NOW! One of the greatest kids books one the shelf!
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Spartan, his three friends, and his dog, Grimm, as they travel the Universe. The mission of this talented team is to gain and share knowledge of their amazing discoveries. With the power of their minds, they made contact with a race of alien explorers, who communicate with them via an egg-shaped spaceship that is itself an organic alien being. Their expeditions are made even more exciting through the use of new technology and cool gadgets, provided by their new friend, who goes by the name of Egg. In Book 1, A Trip to the Rainforest, the team’s introduction to the rainforest and all its wonders is made even more fun by the company of two native Amazonian Indians. Their extraordinary visit is not without a few close calls. After an eye-opening experience with a mysterious Shaman, their own troubles seem to pale in comparison to what they learn. The rainforest is in danger of vanishing, and all its creatures and plant life are at risk of extinction. With the help of the Green Egg’s out-of-this-world technology, the team is able to put a big dent into the path of destruction and re-new hope for the survival of the rainforest.
Mother, author, and actress Nabila Khashoggi balances multiple activities, from securing financing for entertainment and industrial projects, to running Nabila K, the luxury beauty and home ambiance line.
When her eldest son Spartan was a toddler, she told him stories about a boy called Spartan who travels the universe in a live green egg (that happens to be an alien from another planet). The idea of a children’s comic book series was born and Spartan & the Green Egg, Book 1: A Trip to the Rainforest, the first in a series of ten books, was created.
When her eldest son Spartan was a toddler, she told him stories about a boy called Spartan who travels the universe in a live green egg (that happens to be an alien from another planet). The idea of a children’s comic book series was born and Spartan & the Green Egg, Book 1: A Trip to the Rainforest, the first in a series of ten books, was created.
Her intention was to introduce kids to environmental and cultural issues around the world, in a fun and entertaining way.
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