Book Synopsis
Little Nani is a little girl who likes helping people. However, when she helps people the results can be a bit unexpected. Why is that? Little Nani is a witch! Or at least she wants to be a witch. With her magic wand, she will try to cast different spells to help her friends, but she won't be successful all the time. Follow Little Nani in her funny adventures and meet her extraordinary friends. Funny ostriches, horses that love reading, super-fast turtles, grumpy zombies... Little Nani has lots of friends! You can also draw your own characters! Little Nani is willing to become a good witch. Will she manage to do it? Who knows? Read the stories and discover what happens next!EXCERPT
(From “Little Nani and the Flying Muffin”).“I’m bored!”
“How can you say that you are bored when I am reading to you
one of the funniest books I have read in a long time?” said Horse
in an exasperated tone. When Little Nani shrugged her shoulders,
Horse had retreated to his favourite rocking chair in a corner of
the room.
“Can I go out and make angels?” asked Little Nani, who was upside
down, standing on her hands.
“Don’t be silly. You can only make angels in the snow, not in the
rain,” said Horse without raising his eyes from the book.
“Can I go out and jump in the pools?” asked Little Nani, who was
hopscotching all over the room.
“If you go out you will get soaking wet, and then you will catch a
bad cold, and then you won’t be able to go out for a long time,”
said the impatient horse. He didn’t like being interrupted while
“Then I will cast a spell to make the sun come back,” said Little
Nani, trying to take her magic wand out of her pocket while
rolling on the floor. Big Billy, watching her efforts to take her
magic wand out, and fearing that Little Nani could make the rain
turn into a tempest, quickly pecked Little Nani’s hand.
“Ouch!” exclaimed Little Nani. “That hurt!”
She tried once more to take her magic wand from her pocket, but
this time it was Skinny Nikki who pecked Little Nani’s hand.
“Ouch!” exclaimed Little Nani again.
It was pretty clear by now to Little Nani that she wasn’t going to
have any fun that day. She thought that the rain was boring and,
folding her arms with an angry look, she sat down in a corner
My Review

My rating: 5 of 5 Moons
Lily says:
This book is about a Little Nani and all of her funny and exciting adventures.
the pictures in this were fun because you got to draw them yourself.
I had lots of favourite parts because there were more then one story but I really liked the first one.
this book made me feel silly and happy because Nani and her friends were so funny!
I think that lots of kids would like it. it's a great story with a good message
and Cinta García de la Rosa is a awesome writer!
Mom Says:
I so enjoyed reading these Nani stories with my daughter! they were silly and funny and she had great fun drawing the pictures. I love how drawing the story allows the child to use their imaginations.
there were many different stories in the book about Nani and her friends on their adventures and they were always doing something silly that made us laugh.
Nani thinks that she can do spells but every time she does a spell something goes wrong. She just wants to be helpful but it never quite turns out right. Follow Little Nani in her funny adventures and meet her extraordinary friends. Funny ostriches, horses that love reading, super-fast turtles, grumpy zombies.
Little Nani is willing to become a good witch. Will she manage to do it? Who knows? Read the stories and discover what happens next!
This is a great book for everyone and their children get your copy today!
View all my reviews
About the author
Cinta Garcia de la Rosa is a Spanish writer who has loved the written word since she discovered she was able to read books at age 5. Since then, she has become a bookworm and reads around 100 books every year. She also writes, every day, compulsively, even in the middle of the night. You cannot control when inspiration hits you, can you? She writes in English because she is convinced that in a previous life she was British, so writing in English feels more natural to her than writing in her native language. Yes, she is crazy like that. Cinta Garcia is the author of "The Funny Adventures of Little Nani", a collection of short stories for children, and "A Foreigner in London", a short story published on Smashwords.Follow The Author:
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